There you go! You have that premium domain name that lots of people/businesses are looking forward to have for years. The question is, what would you do with that treasure? There are few things you should consider before your decision.
First of all, make sure that the domain name you have is a real premium domain name. What makes a domain premium? Here are some of the criteria:
– Extension (Mostly a .com, sometimes .io, .net or .org might work).
– Length (Should be a short domain name, mostly less than 13-14 letters).
– Word count (Should be a one-word or two-word domain name).
– Must have a decent search volume at search engines.
– The domain shouldn’t have any trademark issues.
– The domain must pass the radio test.
– Keyword/Keywords should better have a commercial value.
– Have a professional appraisal for make some research about the appraisals to find out the potential value.
Well, alright, you got the domain. What can you do with a premium domain name?
– You might consider setting up a business on it.
– You might consider liquidating it for a retail price to make some quick cash.
– You might consider marketing it or listing it in domain marketplaces, or use brokers to find the right end user.
– Or, you might keep it for the future as a valuable asset.
Good luck!