The choices can make your head spin. .COM, .NET, .ORG, .SEXY, .XYZ and the list go on and on and on.
Even 30 years later the .com is still king. Nothing says credibility like it and likely nothing ever will.
What makes a good name? Long-tails, hyphens, misspells, generic, one word, two words, niche-specific are all things to think about when buying a name.
“But I got a great name and it only cost me 9.99.” Is it? How much SEO and marketing would you have to do on that. Would it pass the radio test? “Radio test, what’s that?” Is it memorable or will people forget it as soon as they move onto the next shiny object?
Working within your budget is always important, however, many start-ups will spend all their budget on SEO rather than a good generic domain name. There is truth to the acronym K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid).
A wise man once said, “It’s not how much you spend it’s how much you make.”
A good one-word generic brandable, that’s easy to spell, spelled correctly, easy to remember, can fit a multitude of products will not only help you but can turn your business from an also-ran to a world player.
We are here to help.