Arif Sengoren: It’s an honor to be in “The State of the Industry Expert” list as a broker

Arif Sengoren: It’s an honor to be in “The State of the Industry Expert” list as a broker. I’ve shared my experience in 2023 and thoughts on 2024 about the domain industry! It’s a good read, don’t forget to check it out!

The State of the Industry 2024: 36 Experts Reflect on the Past Year and Predict What’s Ahead For Us Now

Welcome to our 20th Annual State of the Industry Cover Story! DNJournal was launched on New Year’s Day 2003. In January 2005 we started our annual State of the Industry Cover Stories with experts from all corners of the industry commenting on what they saw as the highs and lows of the past year as well as what they were expecting in the year ahead.

We wanted this 20th annual edition to be the biggest we have ever done and that challenge has been met thanks to three dozen industry leaders who responded to our interview requests (past SOI stories have averaged around 20 panelists).

We called on successful domain buyers, sellers, brokers, and developers and also invited high level corporate leaders representing registries and registrars, aftermarket sales platforms and a variety of innovative service providers. To make it easier for readers to zero in on the areas of most interest to them, we sorted them into three groups: Domain Investors & Developers, Domain Brokers and Corporate Executives. In this business with so many multi-talented people, several could have been placed in more than one of those groups, so we picked one of the areas in which they have been especially active in the past year.

In the photo gallery below the color coded nameplates also indicate the group that person is in. Executives are blue, brokers green and investor/developers black. Within each group, the experts are shown alphabetically by first name. To make it easier for you to immediately access a specific individual, you can just click on their photo and you will be taken directly to their commentary. Of course, you can also read the entire story (spread over three pages) straight through. However you choose to navigate the course, we are confident you will find your time to be very well spent. Thank you for reading and a huge thank you to each of our experts for taking time out of your busy schedules to contribute and make this landmark edition of our State of the Industry report everything we hoped it would be.

Read more here.